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HalloWINE & Pizza Night

Halloween snuck up on me this year. Between having a slightly-needy-fur-child and being so far removed from my former party scene, Halloween is not what it used to be. Not even close. So, what does a die-hard-festive-fanatic do on Halloween, quite possibly the drunkest night of the year (or is that any holiday?) AND STILL get festive AF?!

Instead of going out until the ghostly hours of the early morning, dressed in something resembling lingerie, I decided to bring festiveness into my tiny studio home. With my boyfriend and our fur-baby by my side, I managed to still have a festive AF time - pumpkin and all!

First of all, leading up to HalloWINE (its new official name), I visited our town's ridiculously adorable pumpkin patch a few times (yes, a few times. It is just that cute!)

With the house brimming with various shapes and sizes of pumpkins, the house already felt festive. On October 31st, we brought the festiveness to a new level. We carved the biggest pumpkin I had adopted with one unique spin (which I cannot take credit for as this idea has been circulating social media for a while now). Since we are now 27 (and feeling very adult and sophisticated - note sarcasm here) we decided that regular boxed wine was "so college" and quite beneath us. So, we splurged. Whole Foods, it turns out, has a rather good red BOXED wine option. We discarded the box and gently placed the bag of wine into the now-gutted pumpkin, popping its spout out of the jagged mouth of the pumpkin. Wine flowed and I squealed.

::: Meet Sir Jack: He is the life of the party. He doesn't say much, but you always love what comes out of his mouth :::

In addition to Sir Jack and his ever-flowing wine, we decided to load up on Whole Foods candy (I went way overboard and am still making my way through the delicious pile) as well as make our very first homemade pizzas from scratch. Holy goblin, they were DELICIOUS! My tastebuds are still dreaming about them.

So there ya have it: HalloWINE was a success. Snuggled in with Jack and his wine, the boyfriend, the pup, epic homemade pizza, tons of candy, and of course a blast-from-the-past showing of Halloween Town (the Disney original movie, duh) AND a few episodes of Season 2 Stranger Things!

Pumpkin Pizza:

dough made with whole wheat flour from Whole Foods - using my handy-dandy food processor that basically makes dough for me

topped with baked pumpkin (from the adorable farm/pumpkin patch down the road), pesto, goat cheese, & sun dried tomatoes

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